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Writer's picturethoughts of flowers

“Comparison is the thief of joy”

“Comparison is the thief of joy”

Theodore Roosevelt

We never feel good when we compare. I know I’ve never walked away feeling better about myself after seeing someone do, be or have something I desire. I feel a hollowness in my chest and I plant seeds doubts and lies with these thoughts. Which I water every time I think of myself as anything else then the incredible person I am. These thoughts then turn into weeds amoungst the flowers.

They steal the beauty from the beautiful and the worth from the worthy.

It’s hard to not allow these thoughts to grow or to think them for that matter, for me sometimes it’s a constant battle. Even just now I was looking at a friends business Insta and was jealous of how pretty it looked and I moved to my page and stared at it defeated by the thoughts of my comparison. I feel hopeless, thinking that this page will never be anything as pretty as that.

But I’ve been aware of these thoughts lately, and very conscious of not allowing myself to wallow in this mindset but rather to change my perspective.

Being self-aware of your thoughts and feelings helps you to overcome a mindset like this. I had my small ‘ugh’ moment but now I think how awesome is her creativity, maybe she’ll give me some tips of making my page fabulous like hers. But still reflecting everything I am. I’m not here to be anyone else but myself and only I can stop comparison from stealing my joy.

How are you going to change your mindset when you start feeling the joy thief settle in?

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