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Writer's picturethoughts of flowers

Pray. Trust. Wait 

Proverbs three is packed full of incredible scripture that speaks to the very heart of every Christian. I use the ESV version and it titles Proverbs 3 as “Trust in the LORD with all your heart

Today I just want to focus on vs 5-6 “Trust is the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” When I really think about this verse, I’m drawn to the things I’m praying about. The things that I’m waiting for in my life and the age old saying “In God’s timing” comes to the forefront of my mind….

To know that the creator of the stars and the seas knows me, more than I know myself, I find it crazy that I struggle to trust him more… to trust that in his timing the things that will be, will be.

Vs 7 says “be not wise in your own eyes”, I was adamant that I knew what was best. Wanting to start a family just after I got married. I had my plans laid out and ready to pursue them, God had other plans. Knowing though what I know now… I'm so grateful that God’s plans unfolded in my life and not my own. In that space I thought I knew what was best, I’d done my research, we had the money, I had it all figured out the ‘what ifs’ and ‘worst case scenarios’, but it is only now 4 years on that I can honestly look back and say…. I really had no idea. I had no idea how much I had to grow, how much my husband and I have had to grow. I had no ideas of the memories we would of missed out on making if I had rushed into what I thought was the the ‘right timing’.

In the NIV, it reads “in all your ways submit to him” I know I don’t submit to his plans and oh the heartache I would have saved, submitting to his plan and then trusting that he will make make my path straight.

I like the message version, because its plain and simple

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.”

I wasn't listening for God voice, I was telling him mine. I haven’t trusted as I waited. Pray. Trust. WaitAs I continue in this season of waiting, I want to wrap these verses around my heart. I want to trust God all my that I am and continue to be faithful as I wait for Gods perfect timing.

I pray that you would be honest with yourself, like I have had to be with myself. It’s not fun or easy to look in the mirror and seek out where I may be going against God , but you will be all the more better for it.

Thoughts of Flower


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